New Horizons: NASA divulges Sharpest Images of Pluto we’ll see for Some Time
NASA scientists are continuously receiving photos and data on Pluto that the New Horizons spacecraft captured during a flyby in July this year. A new set of images beamed back by the probe are some of the sharpest images we have ever seen of the dwarf planet.
NASA said the images with a resolution of about 250-280 feet per pixel exposing to Pluto’s view diverse surface. Cratered, mountainous and glacial terrains of the dwarf planet are clearly visible in new pictures.
Alan Stern. John Grunsfeld, Principal Investigator of New Horizons and associate administrator for NASA's Science Mission Directorate, said, “These new images give us a breathtaking, super-high resolution window into Pluto’s geology. We continue to be amazed by what we see”.
This is not the first time when NASA has released breathtaking pictures of Pluto. Since New Horizons’ flyby about six months ago, the space has been releasing stunning pictures of the dwarf planet which show its features in details.
Sooner after making history by reaching the distant dwarf planet, which is the last unexplored world in solar system, the NASA spacecraft unveiled several hidden features of Pluto. Bright spots of the dwarf planet baffled researchers for a long time. The craft’s flyby in July revealed several interesting things about the dwarf world which stunned scientists. The images beamed back by the craft revealed a bewildering variety of surface features of the planet that surprised scientists reeling because of their range and complexity.