New Horizons: Best-Ever Images of Pluto show Exotic landscape in Unprecedented Detail
NASA scientists have been studying data and images of Pluto sent by its New Horizons probe from last few weeks. Now, the US space agency has released the best-ever photos of the dwarf planet, showing varied and exotic landscape of the plutoid in amazing details.
The photos, captured by New Horizons during its Pluto flyby this summer, are revealing close-up views of Pluto’s high mountains and vast planes. Alan Stern from the Southwest Research Institute (SwRI) said the newly released super-high-resolution pictures allow space enthusiasts to take a peek at the dwarf planet’s geology.
“Nothing of this quality was available for Venus or Mars until decades after their first flybys, yet at Pluto, we're there already — down among the craters, mountains and ice fields — less than five months after flyby”, Stern said in a statement.
The photos were captured by New Horizons’ long-range camera when the interplanetary space probe was approximately 10,000 miles from the dwarf planet’s surface. As per a statement of NASA officials, the photos allow to view Pluto features in detail. The dwarf planet’s ice mountains and nitrogen-ice plain are clearly visible in the new pictures, they added.
New Horizons, which was launched in 2006 from Cape Canaveral to study Pluto system and the Kuiper belt, is still on its mission. The probe’s next target is 2014 MU69, a small Kuiper Belt object. If NASA extends the spacecraft’s mission, it will observe the object in 2019.