New design of Solar Cells made using Kirigami
Most of the solar panels present on rooftops are positioned at fixed angles owing to which, they are not able to have energy the entire day. But researchers said that they have found a way by which they can solve this problem.
Researchers said by cutting solar cells in specific shapes using kirigami, a variation of origami involving cutting in addition to folding, can let the cells to tilt to capture the energy without the need of tilting the entire panel.
Through this way, solar panels will be able to generate 20 to 40% more energy per year than the ones without trackers. Prof. Max Shtein from the University of Michigan said they have used a specific kirigami cut in order to ensure that individual strips do not cast shadows on each other.
Also, the new approach will allow to generate more electricity while using the same amount of semiconducting material. Shtein was of the view that today's tracking systems are cumbersome and costly. Also, they work by tilting the whole pattern.
The new technology comprises of flexible solar cells that are made up of gallium arsenide. Researchers admitted that in order to have commercial application it will take a lot of time. The researchers need to have a system that protects the new technology from the weather and provide mechanical support.
"The beauty of our design is, from the standpoint of the person who's putting this panel up, nothing would really change. But inside, it would be doing something remarkable on a tiny scale", said the researchers.