New bill over ratification of EU treaty triggers row in Poland

Poland's opposition nationalist Law and Justice party (PiS)Warsaw  - Poland's opposition nationalist Law and Justice party (PiS) presented a bill to parliament Monday that would allow the country to accept certain decisions made at the European level only with the approval of the president.

The draft bill was in accordance with the compromise made between the conservative President Lech Kaczynski and the liberal Prime Minister Donald Tusk on the European Union reform treaty.

Cezary Chlebowski, the head of the parliamentary faction of the ruling Citizen's Platform (PO), rejected the proposal as unconstitutional, and accused the opposition of "adventurism."

Both chambers of the Polish parliament ratified the EU reform treaty around a month ago. Conservative President Lech Kaczynski said he would only sign the treaty, if parliament strengthens his authority in EU questions at the cost of other state organs. (dpa)