NASA Engineer suggests Asteroid could be the Cheapest Source to Construct a Death Star

A NASA engineer said a Death Star can be built by using materials that are already in space, such as asteroids. It is possible to construct the Empire’s ultimate weapon, which is capable of destroying a planet, without launching costly sources to the space, as per the engineer.

Brian Muirhead, chief engineer at the NASA's Jet Propulsion Laboratory, said the death star seen in Star Wars movies was very costly because to build it a bunch of stuff was launched. Adding to that, it was destroyed by rebels two times, Muirhead added.

Instead of wasting a lot of money, scientists can use an asteroid already present in the space to build the moon-sized space station. An asteroid can offer essential materials like metals, water and organic compounds that scientists need to build a Death Star, Muirhead explained.

Currently, Muirhead and NASA are working on Asteroid Redirect Mission. The NASA engineer also provided information on the future mission. In that, a spacecraft launched by the space agency will rendezvous with a giant asteroid and retrieve a boulder from it. Then, the collected asteroid piece will be put into an orbit around the earth’s natural satellite. While there, NASA will collect some samples of the object’s surface for analysis.

Muirhead didn’t mention whether they have future plans to use the asteroid to build a Death Star, but said that the samples from the boulder will be collected by 2023.