Moreh Under ‘Dengue Fever’ Turmoil

Dengue FeverImphal: An unknown disease, which resulted into various deaths in the Moreh region in the last few weeks, has been confirmed to be dengue fever.

The state health authorities said that the samples of patient’s blood that were examined at a Mumbai science laboratory have been found positive for dengue.

The hospital's Chief Medical Officer had sent off an SOS to the state health organization about the outbreak to take immediate steps for bringing the infection under control.

Moreh-based civil society groups have also taken the initiative to aware the community and spread awareness of precautionary measures.

Over the past several weeks, it may be pointed out that dozens of people living in Moreh and its surrounding area had fallen sick because of the indefinite illness that had characteristics of viral fever. Many (more than a dozen) people with infection had died, but till that time physicians and other experts from the district headquarters were not capable to find out the exact nature of the disease.

Accorsing to the health agencies, the blood samples of an 8-year old diseased person, who is getting treatment at RIMS, Imphal were sent to SRL Ranbaxy Ltd, Mumbai for complete screening. With the help of examination reports, the mystery disease has been determined to be dengue fever.

Dengue, spread by mosquitos , has the following characteristics such as fever, rashes and head and joint aches.

After getting the test reports, Dr. Y Mani, chief medical officer, Moreh hospital sent off an warning signal to the director, health services, demanding for immediate help in bringing the outbreak under control.

Additionally, after checking the reports, volunteers of the Chandel district board, AMSU and Meitei Council Moreh went around Moreh with speakers, alarming the community, and suggesting preventive measures to control the disease.

L Brojendro, MCM assistant secretary asked the state administration to take immediate steps to put control over the outbreak, and requesting that a team of experts should be instantly dispatched to Moreh to take the necessary steps.

Mr. Brojendro also suggested taking up DDT spraying and fogging on a large-scale in the Moreh area.
