Microsoft Set to Make Upgrading to Windows 7 for XP Netbook Owners Easy

Easy Upgrade to Windows 7In a recent Microsoft breakthrough reported, after months of struggling to find an answer and constant research, the software giant has hit upon the solution on how Windows XP Netbook users can easily move over to Windows 7, the firm's latest offering unveiled recently. As of Thursday, Microsoft will be adding a new tool to its online store. Through the tool, users looking to upgrade their Netbooks to the latest operating system will be able to create a bootable USB drive and make the whole process much simpler.

"There are lots of XP Netbooks out there", Chris Flores of Microsoft said in an interview. "We wanted to make it as easy as possible for the enthusiasts that want to do this (the upgrade)".

The latest tool is expected to make the whole upgrading for Netbook users a cake-walk. They will be able to move a downloaded Windows 7 copy onto their USB drives, which can either be a memory stick or a USB hard drive.

The only hitch is that the users need to be familiar with the process of tweaking their computers' BIOS (Basic Input Output System). If not, then they should probably leave their Netbooks alone and let a professional take care of the upgrading. "We're still not recommending this for the average person," Flores said.

The process, nonetheless, has definitely been made easier.