Mickey Rourke makes a "dream" visit to Moscow's Butyrka Prison

Moscow - US actor Mickey Rourke fulfilled a "dream" by making a three-hour visit to Moscow's notorious Butyrka Prison as he prepares for his next big screen role as a Russian bad man, it was reported Saturday.

The 56-year-old - Oscar-nominated this year for his role in The Wrestler - met behind locked cell doors with inmates during the tour which included visits to the prison gym, church, museum and canteen, Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper said.

It quoted Rourke as admiring the prison's facility for allowing inmates time with their wives - "that's very humane" - and said Rourke gave autographs to warders and inmates.

The prison was notorious during czarist and Stalinist times for its brutal conditions and as a place where thousands were put to death by firing squad.

Rourke is set to play a Russian gangster chief called "Ivan" in the film Iron Man 2 directed by Jon Favreau. (dpa)
