Meet the Oldest Jurassic Dinosaur: 200 Million-year-old Meat-eating Dracoraptor
Discovery of dinosaur fossils isn’t a new thing in modern world as paleontologists have previously discovered countless skeletons of various dinosaur species. But a new two-legged meat-eating dinosaur that scientists have unearthed from Wales is far more astounding: It could be the oldest Jurassic dinosaur in the world. After analyzing the remains, the scientists have concluded that the dinosaur, dubbed as Dracoraptor, roamed earth around 200 million years ago, during the beginning of the Jurassic period.
A team of scientists announced Wednesday that the newly unearthed dino was a forerunner of colossal carnivores such as Tyrannosaurus rex, Spinosaurus and Allosaurus. The name, Dracoraptor, which has been given to the dinosaur means ‘dragon thief’. Steven Vidovic, a paleontologist from the University of Portsmouth of Britain, said the newly discovered fossil belongs to a 7-foot-long juvenile.
When the Triassic Period ended, more than 50% species of the earth went extinct. There are many theories linked to the extinction. Many of the historians believe that an asteroid hit our home planet about 66 million years ago and swept roughly half of the species, including dinosaurs. Some even said that volcanic activity or climate change caused species extinction on earth.
Mass extinction ushered in the Jurassic at that time led dinosaurs become the prominent species on the planet. When the Triassic period ended, rauisuchians were the biggest creatures on the blue planet. The four legged animal was bigger than Dracoraptor and other dino species. Rivers were ruled by phytosaurs, reptiles bigger than crocodiles. But mass extinction affected these species and led Dracoraptor and other species rule the world.
“The Dracoraptor fossils, discovered in 2014 on a beach near the Welsh town of Penarth, represent some of the most complete dinosaur remains from this time, with 40 percent of the skeleton unearthed”, said Vidovic.