Malaria Breakthrough in Australia
Some hopes of adequate treatment of malaria have emerged from Australia. The scientists in the country have found a potential treatment to combat malaria. Malaria is caused by a special female mosquito. It kills around 3 million people every year. Malaria adversely affects the children and pregnant women.
The malaria parasite makes red blood cells too sticky and rigid leading to weak immune system. The new discovery will help in the effective treatment of malaria in the world.
The researchers have recommended removing a protein responsible for the glue like substance produced by malaria parasite. The study is published in 11th July issue of the journal Cell. Professor Alan Cowman, at the Walter and Eliza Hall Institute (WEHI) of Medical Research in Melbourne, Australia and other colleagues from WEHI have conducted various tests to find cause of malaria spread in human body.
80 per cent of human malarial infections are caused by Plasmodium falciparum. Sub-Saharan Africa regions are very prone to malaria due to considerable population of Anopheles mosquitoes in the regions.
Various drugs are present in the market to cure malaria but they badly affect metabolism or of the parasite directly. The parasite adapts and becomes resistant to such attacks. Thus such new strategy to remove protein will definitely help the patients.