Local News Channel banned in Kashmir

The State government stopped transmission of SEN TV, a local cable network News Channel in view of blatant violation of provisions of the Cable TV Network (Regulation) Act, 1995. 

Commenting on banning the news channel, Srinagar District Magistrate said, “The local channel has telecast objectionable material with an objective to incite people to disturb public peace and tranquillity. Despite, repeated advise to the channel to conform to the provision of the Act and adhere to the written undertaking given by it, the channel continued to putout objectionable material aiming at disturbing the public peace and order.”

He said that the local cable channels operating under Cable TV Network (Regulation) Act 1995 have to conform to the programme code under Section- Six of the Act.

Earlier all the local cable network operators were issued strict orders by the government to conform to the provisions of the Act. 

Last weekend, another local cable channel television, 9 TV was also banned by the government for the same reason. 
