"Little evidence" of support for emissions cuts from developed world, PM

"Little evidence" of support for emissions cuts from developed world, PMIndia Prime Minister has criticized the developed nations for not offering additional finance and technology to the developing countries to help them reduce carbon emissions. He said that there is "little evidence" of support from the developed nations in reducing emissions for the developing world.

He also urged looking for a new way of living as the current level of consumption in the industrialized nations is unsustainable for the world. The group of 77 and China bloc were demanding USD 30 billion a year but the draft did not include any certain amount with reference to financing sustainable growth for poorer economies by the developed nations.

During the plenary session of the Rio+20 summit, the prime minister reaffirmed the country's stand on the matter. He said that the economic development, social inclusion and environmental sustainability were equally important matters and the world community should work towards creating an environment in which each country is able to develop with its own set of priorities.

"Many countries could do more if additional finance and technology were available. Unfortunately, there is little evidence of support from the industrialised countries in these areas. The ongoing economic crisis has made matters worse," he said during his address to the summit, which is officially known as the United Nations Conference on Sustainable Development.