LinkedIn Showed Progress in Social Networking with Apps

LinkedinIn harsh times where social networking sites are badly hit and are fighting hard to keep afloat, popular business oriented social networking website LinkedIn has registered a decent profit. The company has 370 employees and some 30 million members on their website.

The company shall now support applications from companies like Google and Amazon. The company is also boasting of 8 new offerings which include Box. net for the user to share and exchange files. Huddle. net provides a secure online workspace to exchange ideas, Google enables them to embed presentations in the user profile pages, Amazon allows the user to showcase what they are reading nowadays.

The Vice-President of LinkedIn, Patrick Crane said, "What you're looking at here is really collaboration infrastructure for companies."

LinkedIn announced an additional investment of $22.7 million with the total investment of the company touching a whopping $1 billion. The company mainly gains from premium subscription, advertising, job posting and a recruiting service. Crane added that while large companies may balk at the idea of employees using the site as a virtual meeting room, but he was confident that small and medium sized business would be more receptive.

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