Laura Bush’s memoirs may fetch millions, Dubya’s zilch!

New York, Nov 12: The First Lady of the US, Laura Bush, is in talks for a multimillion-dollar deal to write her memoirs, while her husband George W. Bush may have to wait years before he can write his.

As things have not been going very well during his two terms as President, Bush has been advised to wait for some years before he can publish his memoirs.

“Laura is interviewing publishers who are bidding on her memoirs,” the New York Post quoted one biographer as saying.

“The publishers are coming to the White House to meet with her and discuss the book,” the biographer said.

Where Bush is concerned, some publishers have stated that right now he is not very popular with the people, and no one would be bothered about his book.

“Dubya is going to have to wait about five years,” a top publishing insider said.

“He’s so unpopular at this point that there''s no market for any book by him,” he added.

Literary superagent Mort Janklow was asked how long George should wait before shopping his memoir, and he replied, “30 or 40 years might be good.”

Public relations guru Ken Sunshine, who was Mayor Dinkins'' chief of staff, says that in time people will want to know what went wrong, but as of now nobody is interested.

“In time, there'll be interest particularly in how it went sour. But right now, [Bush] is at such an abysmally low approval rating, I don''t think anybody thinks he could sell two books,” he said.

A new CNN/Opinion Research Corp. poll found 76 percent of Americans disapprove of Bush''s performance. (ANI)
