Just 1 in 100 Brits reveal they are ‘gay’

London, Jan 27: Just 1 in 100 Brits reveal they are ‘gay’It looks like Brits are not that comfortable when it comes to revealing their sexual preferences, for a survey has revealed that only one in hundred of them would describe themselves as gay.

According to the first government research into the nation's sexuality, a further one in 100 would call themselves bisexual, but both groups are outnumbered by those who say they are unwilling to discuss their private life with Whitehall researchers.

In the survey, some people failed to understand the question and gave answers including "female", "normal", "not active" and "I am ok with my sexuality".

Some interviewers declined to ask the question for fear of giving offence.

The survey was carried out by the Office for National Statistics, which carried out the poll of 4,000 people.

The Office for National Statistics admitted that its results were "not a reliable estimate" of the homosexual population.

It said it would use the findings to develop a more accurate way of measuring.

Overall, 94.4 per cent of people surveyed described themselves as heterosexual or "straight"; one per cent said they were gay or lesbian; 0.9 per cent said they were bisexual; 0.6 per cent selected "other"; and three per cent ticked the box for "prefer not to say".

No one objected to being asked, although interviewers reported that some sniggered or giggled out of amusement or embarrassment.

However, in 15 per cent of cases the interviewer failed to put the question, making the results difficult to interpret. (ANI)
