Journey to work leads to high number of accidents, survey shows

Munich  - Car accidents can happen all over the place but according to a new survey in Germany, a large number of them occur on the way to work.

It seems the routine drive dulls the motorist's senses, leading to lapses in concentration and a delayed response to road hazards, data compiled by southern Germany's car testing organisation TUEV Sued showed.

Experts advise motorists not to mull over the work tasks ahead when driving to their jobs, to ensure they allow enough time to reach their destination punctually and to keep overall distraction behind the steering wheel to a minimum.

Motorists should not dial numbers on cell phones or check voice mails while on the move and should turn down excessively loud music from CDs, cassette tapes and radios.

Figures from a Berlin-based trade federation showed that in 2006 more than 85,000 workers were involved in collisions or other car accidents in the city while on their way to work. (dpa)

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