Jennifer Aniston’s Restraining Order Against Stalker
According to sources, Hollywood actress and F. R. I. E. N. D. S star Jennifer Aniston was recently approved of a provisional restrictive order against her stalker.
Her stalker is a man, who the officials say, had driven cross country in a delusional state of mind and attempted to marry Jennifer.
The court papers that were filed on Tuesday in California reveal that the cops held a certain Jason Peyton last week, after they found him in possession of a very sharp object. However, there was no proof that he was about to hurt the Hollywood star.
The police also found out duct tape and several notes addressed to the star, via which he stated his love. As per the authorities he had spent several days on the famous Sunset Boulevard in an attempt to find out the actress.
The police filings would eventually state that Peyton has been accused of pestering others. He is also not going as per the court orders that he is to take medication for his psychological illness. He was eventually placed on an uncontrolled psychiatric hold by the LAPD or the Los Angeles Police Department.
He would soon get a hearing sometime in the month of August. Peyton has also declared that no matter what the consequences are, he wouldn't stop in his chase for Jennifer Aniston.
--Sampurn Wire