Irish farmers back yes vote for EU's Lisbon treaty

IFADublin  - The executive council of the Irish Farmers' Association (IFA) advised its members Tuesday to vote yes to the European Union's Lisbon Treaty in Ireland's June 12 referendum.

The IFA represents 85,000 farmers. It had been withholding its support for the treaty pending assurances from the government that it would veto a world trade talks deal if it was bad for Irish agriculture.

Tuesday's meeting was delayed for two hours as the association's president Padraig Walshe met with government representatives, Irish national broadcaster RTE reported.

Last Sunday the Irish Creamery Milk Suppliers' Association, the second largest farm organization, recommended that its members vote for the treaty.

Ireland is the only EU member to hold a popular vote to ratify the Lisbon Reform Treaty, which aims to simplify the decision-making process in the now 27-member bloc. (dpa)

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