Internal risks are bigger for Maruti

Internal risks are bigger for MarutiAs on the one end, the competition in the Indian small car segment is rising by leaps and bounds, but the market leader in the Indian automobile market is more concerned about the internal challenges that the company faces rather than the external challenges.

It is to be mentioned here that the company has said in the last year's annual report that it has to keep attacking itself, keep challenging its own levels of past achievement, setting high benchmarks for improvement. It may be easily recalled here that the company saw its market share falling below the 50% mark for the first time in its 25 year history.

However, as the competition is rising, the company is still able to sell all of it what it can produce for the domestic market.

As a majority of products in the portfolio of the company is on a wait, the company carries a 15-20% of its total sales as the backlog on its books. While the company currently has around a 43% market share in the Indian market, it had close to 53% market share in the same period an year ago.