India to have normal monsoon this year, says weather chief
As per the Indian weather chief, Ajit Tygai, the country will have normal monsoon this year. He said, while talking to media, that a second consecutive season of poor monsoon is unexpected.
This is good news given the fact that India has already suffered a lot because of bad rains last year. The food prices have shot up and the inflation is pulling down, whatever growth the country has achieved.
Key crops which suffered last year were oilseeds and sugarcane. Wheat, rice, pulses and vegetables also faced the brunt of low water levels.
But, as per the data provided by the supercomputers, the signals show that monsoon will be good this year. The data is derived through calculations that are based on a historical set of parameters.
Ajit said that it rarely happens that two monsoons fail in a row. And based on this assumption, the head of India Meteorological Department says that things will be all right this year.
Since 1901, there have been 21 droughts. 17 out of them were followed by near-normal monsoon.
The formal forecast will be submitted by the department in the second half of April.