IMF delegation cuts short Islamabad visit after Saturday's hotel blast

IMF delegation cuts short Islamabad visit after Saturday's hotel blastIslamabad, Sept 23: An International Monetary Fund (IMF) delegation, which was in Islamabad to hold technical consultations with the Pakistani authorities on the macro-economic stabilisation plan, has reportedly cut short its visit due to "security reasons" after Saturday's hotel blast killing 60 people.

The delegation, which was to stay in Pakistan till Wednesday, flew back to Washington on Monday due to "security reasons", reported the Daily Times.

While the six members of the delegation has left for home country, Juan Carlos Di Tata, the head of technical mission, has stayed back to hold talks with the Pakistani authorities.

During its visit during the past ten day, the IMF mission reviewed that Pakistan was required to reduce its budget deficit, reduce borrowing from the central bank, increase its revenues, and keep inflation under control to avoid new IMF loan programmes. (ANI)