Hunt for new ways to cure HIV
Despite efforts of scientists all over the world there has been no cure for AIDS. The U. S. government is motivating scientists to find a cure against HIV. The need to find a new cure for this deadly disease has been intensified after Merck & Co.'s Ad5 vaccine, the most promising effort to date that flopped in 2007. HIV virus affects 2.7 million new patients each year
David Margolis, a doctor at the University of North Carolina in Chapel Hill, who has been working for years to cure HIV, said that if the vaccine had worked, I don't think any of this would be happening. Getting so close to an effective vaccine and then having to start from scratch again has made people wisely step back and re-evaluate the whole playing field of options.
There has been proposal of a government-funded effort to discover how HIV persists in the body even after powerful drugs drive the virus below levels detectable by conventional means by Margolis, along with researchers at Merck & Co., Johnson & Johnson, Harvard, Johns Hopkins University and other institutions.