Gujarat government dismisses reports blaming it for troubles at Manesar
The state government of Gujarat has dismissed reports indicating it was was behind the recent troubles at automaker, Maruti Suzuki India Limited’s manufacturing plant in Manesar, Haryana.
“Reports linking Gujarat government with problems in Manesar are baseless and untrue. Maruti Suzuki had announced its plans to invest in Gujarat long back,” minister Saurabh Patel. He also said that the state wants to attract investment but not at the cost of hurting other states.
Media reports have indicated that he state government is recurring law & order problems in Haryana to convinve the company to shift its entire manufacturing base to Gujarat. The leading automaker has already proposed to invest Rs4,000 crore for setting up a 2.50 lakh cars per annum plant near Bechraji.
A riot by workers that left Awanish Kumar Dev, General Manager HR dead in a fire accident and resulted in 90 employees being jailed, is likely to affect the company’s operations and disrupt supplies of models.
The workers at the factory resorted t rioting after disciplinary incident with a single employee. Several people were reportedly injured, including the company’s Japanese officials and a part of the assembly line was burnt.
The violent riot comes just nine months after the strike at the factory ended. The rioting in the previous year had resulted in more than $500 million in lost production and affected the overall industry. The new riots have renewed concerns by the investors that the company has not been able to resolve its issues with the workforce.