Google’s New Robot capable of having different kinds of conversations

Google in a research led by Oriol Vinyals of the Google Brain team and Quoc V. Le, a Google researcher at Stanford has created a machine that has the ability to have conversations of different kinds.

Outcome of the team's work is a machine that can have conversations of different kinds including discussing the meaning of life. The research paper documenting this work can be found on Arxiv, a popular place to find academic research and is accessible to everyone with little effort searching.

The paper titled 'A Neural Conversational Model' contains conversations which show the bot solving IT issues, answering questions about general knowledge and discussing philosophy and morality with a human being. The machine has the unique ability to analyze existing conversations.

Le said, "Instead of using rules to build a conversational engine, we use a machine learning approach. We let the machine learn from data rather than hand-coding the rules".

The machine uses neural networks, which are information systems that take inspiration from the human brain and the way its neurons are interlinked.

Researchers said they find it encouraging that the model can remember facts, understand contexts, and perform common sense reasoning without the complexity in traditional pipelines.

However, the researchers were not happy about the fact that the model only gives simple, short, sometimes unsatisfying answers to our questions as can be seen above.

One drawback of this basic model is that it only gives simple, short, sometimes unsatisfying answers to our questions.