Giant pandas threatened by climate change

Giant pandas threatened by climate change  The giant Panda is one of the rarest species in the animal world, and the researchers at York university fear that they might become extinct if global warming keeps having its adverse affects on the climate.

The research which was jointly carried out by the University of York and the Royal Botanic Garden in Edinburgh, in conjunction with Sichuan University and the Kunming Institute of Botany in China, has been reported in Environmental News Network (ENN).

The giant panda's main source of food is bamboo, which may get scarce due to unwanted effects of the climate change.

It was found by the researchers that climate change due to global warming actually had different effects on different types of bamboo verities. Where some types reduced in range, others actually increased.

The study will definitely help in getting vital information as to how to save the endangered species in the future.

"Pandas spend 14 hours a day eating, and bamboo forms 99% of their diet, so they are completely reliant on the right bamboo species being present in order to survive," informed Director of the Royal Botanic Gardens in Edinburgh, Professor Steve Blackmore.
