German Islamist issues Jihad call via internet
Berlin - A German Islamist who has issued a call to Jihad on the internet, apparently from the region along the Afghan-Pakistani border, is under investigation, the German federal police (BKA) said Tuesday.
The BKA named the man as Eric B, 20, from the western state of Saarland.
In the video message, he can be seen with another fighter with his face covered.
"Come over to the Jihad, for that is your way to paradise. If you cannot come, then help us with your wealth," he says in German, calling himself Abdulgaffar al-Almani.
The BKA said the man, who comes from Neunkirchen, was known to them as having had contact with three alleged Islamist terrorists arrested in September last year.
The three were planning large bomb attack on US facilities and personnel in Germany.
According to reports to appear in Wednesday's German press, the BKA regards the young man as extremely dangerous and believe the video could presage a suicide attack in Germany. (dpa)