Science News

“Uncontacted” Amazon tribe has actually been known from decades

Washington, June 20 : Past and current Brazilian government officials have said that the

New solar dish to revolutionize global energy production

Washington, June 20 : The invention of a new type of solar energy collector, which concentrates the sun into a beam that could melt steel, could revolutionize global energy production.

Space radars may revolutionize mine safety on Earth

Paris, June 20 : A space radar originally developed to investigate the soil structure on the Moon and other planets on ESA (European Space Agency) planetary missions, is now being used in Canadian

Exposure to low doses of radiation may cure ailments

Washington, June 20 : Exposure to low doses of radiation can actually cure a wide variety of ailments, suggests a University of Missouri scientist.

Earth may have supported life 100 million years earlier than previously believed

Washington, June 20 : By analyzing elements in ancient mineral crystals, scientists have suggested that suggests liquid water existed on Earth as long as 4.3 billion years ago, 100 million years ea

Laws of nature are the same in the distant Universe as they are here on Earth

Berlin, June 20 : A new research has determined that the laws of nature are the same in the distant Universe as they are here on Earth.
