Former Spanish premier Aznar denies fathering Dati's child

Jose Maria Aznar Madrid - Former Spanish prime minister Jose Maria Aznar has denied rumours that he is the father of the child expected by French Justice Minister Rachida Dati, Spanish media reported Thursday.

The rumour was a "total and complete falsehood," Aznar said in a communique.

Aznar said he had instructed his lawyers to take immediate legal action against anyone spreading false information.

A Moroccan internet publication had linked Aznar with the pregnancy of Dati, 42, who is unmarried.

Conservative Aznar, 55, who governed Spain from 1996 to 2004, is married with three grown children. Spanish reports said he had friendly relations with French President Nicolas Sarkozy, Dati and other cabinet members.

Dati on Wednesday confirmed that she was pregnant, and refused to divulge the identity of the father. "I have a complex private life," she said. "I will not say anything about it."

She added, in reference to her age: "I am still in a risk area. If it stabilizes, I will be happy... If not I will be very upset, but I will cover it with lipstick and deal with it myself."

Dati said she would continue her busy schedule. "There is no reason for me to slow down or cease my ministerial activities," she said. "This is not an illness." (dpa)
