Five dead in crash of two Russian military planes in North Caucasus

Five dead in crash of two Russian military planes in North Caucasus Moscow  - At least five people were killed in a crash of two military aircraft on a military landing strip in Dagestan, a Russian republic in the North Caucasus, officials told Russian news agencies Thursday.

The aircraft - both type Ilyushin 76 - were carrying members of the military.

The accident happened amidst a fog cover. One aircraft had already landed, and the second was about to land but aborted because of the weather, reports said.

The exact cause of the accident was unclear.

One machine burst into fire, and dozens of people were rescued from the wreckage.

Officials said the accident happened during a training mission that involved troop transport. Dagestan, like other Islamic regions of Russia in the North Caucasus, sees almost daily bloody conflicts between security officials and rebels. (dpa)
