FCC has ruled out of changing broadband policy goals

US-FCCThe Federal Communications Commission has decided to move forward with its National Broadband Plan. Earlier in this week there was an appeal in the court regarding the agency's authority over regulating the internet in the country. But it does not seem to the affecting the agenda of the FCC as it has determined to continue with the current broadband policy goals.

FCC Chairman Julius Genachowski has informed that the official policy will not change with the court's decision. He has also revealed that the ultimate authority of the FCC to act to achieve those goals will remain the same.

Despite an appeals court decision, the company will work on its ongoing projects. He has said that the court did not question the FCC's goals. There may be one or couple invalidated technical or legal mechanism for broadband policy. It has been expected that the agency may disclose its plans for the next year in its next open meeting on April 21. Apart from that reforms to the Universal Service Fund as well as an examination of competition in the cable set-top box market are to be considered.