Fat Children Are Born To Obese Mothers

Fat Children Are Born To Obese MothersObesity of mother directly affects the child. Previous studies have shown that an overweight mother has a higher chance of giving birth to a plump baby. Obesity increases the risk of many diseases.

The recent study found that slightly undernourished rat pups were healthier adults, while overfed babies were fatter.

A separate UNSW study showed that pups from obese mother rats fed more milk were almost twice as heavy as those born to lean mothers feeding normally.  
Lead author Professor Margaret Morris, said: "Maternal obesity and overfeeding early on in life caused significant changes in the chemicals that regulate appetite, which may suggest that the babies were programmed to eat differently from those born from lean mothers."

He added: "Appetite is controlled by particular centers within the brain. As brain control of appetite is likely set early in life, nutrient availability in the fetal or early post-natal period may contribute to adult obesity. We have a good opportunity here to prevent adult obesity."