FARC and ETA exchanged information about military tactics - report

ETA accused of northern Spain car-bomb attack, 17 injured Madrid  - The Revolutionary Armed Forces of Colombia (FARC) and the militant Basque separatist group ETA held meetings in Colombia, exchanging information about combat tactics, the Spanish radio station Cadena Ser reported Thursday.

The two organizations met at least three times, Cadena Ser said, quoting documents seized from ETA by Spanish police.

One of the meetings, which involved two ETA representatives and two FARC leaders, was held at a FARC camp and lasted a week in 2003.

At the meetings, information was exchanged on combat tactics and methods of activating explosives through mobile phones, according to the report.

FARC offered to hide ETA fugitives and asked ETA to supply medical experts who would work at FARC prison camps for more than a year.

FARC also asked ETA to stage attacks and kidnappings on its behalf in Europe, and requested anti-air missiles from the Basque group, Cadena Ser said.

In the summer, the Spanish judiciary launched an investigation into possible links between FARC and ETA after Colombia said that FARC had sought contacts with ETA in order to stage attacks against Colombians in Madrid.

Shortly afterwards, a suspected leading FARC member was arrested near Madrid. (dpa)
