Europe unites to condemn Kremlin

London, Aug. 28 : European leaders like British Foreign Secretary David Miliband have condemned Russia for jeopardizing European security by recognizing Georgia''s two breakaway regions -- Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Speaking in Ukrainian capital Kiev, Miliband said that Russia was "more isolated, less trusted and less respected" as a result of its actions in Georgia.

These actions, he said, breached a United Nations Resolution, approved by Moscow last April, which reaffirmed Georgia''s sovereignty over Abkhazia and South Ossetia.

Miliband placed the onus for avoiding a new Cold War firmly on Russian President Dmitry Medvedev of Russia.

Comparing Russia''s actions to the Prague Spring of 1968, when Moscow suppressed a reformist Czech government, Miliband said: "The sight of Russian tanks in a neighbouring country on the 40th anniversary of the crushing of the Prague Spring has shown that the temptations of power politics remain. The old sores and divisions fester. And Russia is not yet reconciled to the new map of this region."

German Foreign Minister Frank-Walter Steinmeier issued a stark warning. "If we don''t watch out, Europe''s whole security architecture will start to falter with unforeseeable consequences for all of us. The spiral of provocation must stop immediately," he said.

His French counterpart Bernard Kouchner said the situation as "very dangerous". (ANI)