EU to shut off old-fashioned light-bulbs

Brussels  - The European Union on Monday decided to phase out traditional incandescent light-bulbs in a bid to boost the bloc's energy efficiency, officials in Brussels said.

The decision, which is part of a series of measures aimed at reducing electricity consumption and thus fighting global warming, means that traditional bulbs will be progressively banned from the EU market, to be replaced by more efficient equivalents.

According to sources in the European Parliament, 100-watt bulbs could be taken off the shelves as early as September 2009, with 40-watt bulbs following them a year later.

Instead, European bulb manufacturers will be encouraged to produce highly-efficient LED or halogen bulbs, which use between one-fifth and one-tenth of the power of their traditional equivalents.

While such bulbs cost considerably more than old-fashioned models, officials point out that they can last up to six times longer and use much less electricity - thereby reducing the consumer's power bill.

The EU is currently debating a series of proposals aimed at fighting global warming by making industry, transport and households more energy efficient and less polluting. (dpa)
