Donald Trump releases immigration reform plan

According to reports, Billionaire Donald Trump has come up with a detailed immigration policy position paper, a paper that explains the steps he would take as president in order to help American workers. The paper explains particular areas of policy and also talks about one of Trump’s opponents.

It has been reported that a thorough immigration policy position paper has been released by Billionaire Donald Trump that tells regarding the steps he would be taking as president to assist workers of America. Some particular areas of policy have been explained in the paper.

In the paper, his opponent, Sen. Marco Rubio, who is the author of the last Congress’ “Gang of Eight” amnesty bill, has been described as being the “personal senator” of Mark Zuckerberg. This is for the reason that Rubio is involved in Zuckerberg’s bidding by supporting an increase in H-1B visas so as to put back American workers in technologically advanced fields.

The paper begins with three principles. Initially, Trump says that a nation that has no border is not a nation. It consists of an entirely new appearance at immigration and a total renovation of the present system, special interest involvement and priorities of politicians.

According to him, “There must be a wall across the southern border. A nation without laws is not a nation. Laws passed in accordance with our Constitutional system of government must be enforced. A nation that does not serve its own citizens is not a nation”. He also wrote that it is required that immigration plan brings improvement in jobs, security and wages for all people of the nation.

As per reports, the paper was without a doubt related to Sen. Jeff’s thoughts in the matter. It is said that Trump is not that orthodox conservative on a few other social issues. For instance, he said that he is in support of affirmative action and gay rights.