Delay in E15 announced by EPA

On Tuesday, the U.S. Environmental Protection Agency revealed that it is delaying its decision whether to permit for the blending of up to 15% ethanol in conventional gasoline.

Back in May, Growth Energy made the request to raise the blend wall to E15 and the deadline for EPA to make a ruling was made for 1st December. However they say they require additional time for more testing. A letter from EPA Assistant Administrator Gina McCarthy was received regarding this by Growth Energy this week.

Growth Energy Co-Chairman General Wesley Clark sees this as a positive answer. Clark continued, “They've done some tests and they have a number of tests left to go, and they've said if the continuing tests show like the two that have been completed we will be moving to E15.”

A good feeling regarding the certainty of a firm decision by the middle of next year was expressed by Growth Energy President and CEO Tom Buis, who was also impressed by the EPA's acknowledgement that the tests thus far are very positive for moving to E15.

As per Buis, this decision would be years away rather than months, if Growth Energy hadn't filed this waiver as some had suggested. He further explained that the time is right to transfer few strong signals on behalf of renewable energy.