Computer and internet briefs
Washington - Vista may be Microsoft's hottest operating system, but it hasn't forgotten about Windows XP. Microsoft is preparing service pack 3 for Windows XP, due to be available soon. Service pack 3 includes all bug fixes released since its predecessor came on the market, and it also includes some performance enhancements, according to prerelease reviewers. The beta version of service pack 3 is currently available for download.
Washington (dpa) - What's the fastest way to switch among open applications in Windows? Hold down the Alt key and tap Tab to invoke the Windows task switcher. Continue holding down the Alt key while tapping Tab to scroll through icons that represent any open applications. In Vista, there's a new three-dimensional task switcher called Flip 3D that makes identifying open application even easier. Access it by holding down the Windows key and tapping Tab.
Washington (dpa) - Most digital cameras today have a simple "point and shoot" mode in which all settings are chosen for you. But to get the most out of your camera, you'll need to peer into the user manual. There, you'll find instructions on setting white balance, changing exposure, and adjusting the camera for different lighting conditions. The user manual is your friend.
Washington (dpa) - Getting ready to travel with your notebook computer? To your pre-trip checklist, add ensuring that all batteries are fully charged. Not only should your notebook have a full charge for the road, but any battery-powered add-ons - such as a wireless mouse - need to be charged up as well. Since carrying different types of batteries is a way of life for the digital lifestyle, it's often impractical to carry a bunch of separate battery chargers, so spare batteries are crucial as well.
Washington (dpa) - Need to collaborate with another person on a document, spreadsheet, or presentation? Consider using Google Docs, Google's free suite of online office productivity applications that allow you easily to work on documents jointly and to store your work online. Google Docs will work with your existing files, too: DOC, XLS, and other common formats can easily be imported. A forthcoming version of Google Docs will allow you to work offline, as well. (dpa)