Computer and internet briefs
Washington (dpa) - Why not make your PC your alarm clock? If you leave your computer on all the time, it's easy. There are a number of free downloadable alarm clock applications available that will use any of your music files to wake you up. Just google "free alarm clock," and download a few to find one that suits you best. It certainly beats waking up to an annoying or obnoxious sound.
Washington (dpa) - In Windows Explorer, you can sort files in more ways than you probably realize. Sure, by clicking the "Name", "Date Modified", "Type," and "Size" column headers, you can sort files by any of those criteria. But in XP and later, from the Details view you can click a column header to access more options for arranging your files, including by "Owner," "Keywords," or "Product Name."
Washington (dpa) - Miss the old menu bar in Vista's Windows Explorer? You can get it back. Open up Windows Explorer in Vista, and press the "ALT" key to make the menu appear. Go to Tools, Folder Options, and check the option, "Always show the menu bar... ", to force the menu to display at all times.
Washington (dpa) - Internet Explorer 7 includes a search bar to the right of the button bar. Use it, and you'll find yourself with results that come from Microsoft's search engine. If you'd rather use a different search engine, you can. Click the triangle to the right of the search box, and then select the "Find More Providers..." option. Doing so opens a new window, from which you can select Google or another search engine.
Washington (dpa) - Dust is your computer's worst enemy, and dust can accumulate quickly inside your PC, if it is placed on the floor. So cleaning it regularly is important. If your home is dusty, cleaning your PC out every other month is a good idea. Turn off and unplug your PC before opening it up to vacuum out dust. Also, do not touch any of your computer's sensitive electronic components. (dpa)