Prabhudas Lilladher has retained a "Buy" rating on Ambuja Cement (ACEM), revising the target price to Rs.708 from Rs.756.
Ambuja Cements share price was firm after the company announced acquisition of Sanghi Industries. The stock touched high of Rs 468.50 during the first few minutes of trade.
Technical analyst Mitesh Thakkar has suggested two BUY Calls and two SELL Call for today’s trade, indicating a neutral outlook for Indian stocks.
Technical analyst Mitesh Thakkar has suggested three BUY Calls and no SELL Call for today’s trade, indicating a bullish outlook for Indian stocks.
Technical analyst Mitesh Thakkar has suggested three BUY Calls and one SELL Call for today’s trade, indicating a bullish outlook for Indian markets.
Technical analyst Sudarshan Sukhani has suggested three BUY Calls and one SELL Call for today’s trading session.
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