Cigarette tax to smoke billions

Cigarettes-Tax-IncreaseThe drive by NGO's to discourage smoking could well be answered by levying higher rates of taxes on each cigarette pack. As per a report released by a coalition of public health organizations claims by increasing cigarette taxes by $1 per pack, the states could raise more than $9.1 billion in new annual revenue.

A poll showed 60 percent of voters would support the tax to help struggling states and would prefer it over other tax increases or budget cuts, conducted by International Communications Research.

John Seffrin, chief executive of the American Cancer Society Cancer Action Network said in a statement, "An increase in tobacco tax rates is not only sound public health policy but a smart and predictable way to help boost the economy and generate long-term health savings for states facing deepening budget deficits".

"Raising tobacco taxes will reduce health care costs and revitalize critical health and education programs that too often fall victim to state budget cuts," said Nancy Brown, CEO of the American Heart Association.

Anti smoking campaigns constituted by government to discourage smoking have paid off over the years & such initiatives would certainly bear more fruits in that drive and will aid in reducing budget deficit.