Chinese television boss who fixed sex deals jailed for ten years
Beijing, Oct. 24 : A television producer who struck sex deals with teenage twins and other girls seeking acting roles, was sentenced to 10 years in prison after a Beijing court found him guilty of organizing prostitution yesterday.
Hu Weidong, a 49-year-old from Henan province, had coerced Beijing twins, Qin Qing and Qin Yun, known as "Baobao and Azi," to have sex with him, his assistants and wealthy clients before the twins legally became adults at age 18, reports The China Daily.
On their blog, the twins claimed Hu had set them up with men and posted picture stories. An investigation into Hu was begun and he was later arrested.
The Haidian District People''s Court yesterday found that Hu coerced young women into sex deals, making profit from them, from September 2007 to May 2008.
Hu, who is the owner of the Yuan-Yuan TV Studio, admitted in the court hearings that nearly 100 women agreed to make sex deals with him during that period. (ANI)