Cameron Diaz, Paul Sculfor hunting for Hollywood love nest

London, Oct 31: Hollywood stunner Cameron Diaz and beau Paul Sculfor are nowadays busy hunting for a Hollywood love nest.

The actress has been seeing the Essex-born model for some months.

And now the hunk has become a permanent fixture at her home.

But now, it seems, that they are planning to take things forward and are looking for a new place together where they can both put their mark on the décor.

Earlier this month Cameron, 36, viewed four houses near Sunset Plaza, just off Sunset Boulevard. It’s believed Paul, who previously romanced Jennifer Aniston, looked at some of the properties, too.

“Cameron is keen to find somewhere new where they can both have a say in the fixtures, fittings and decoration,” the Daily Express quoted a source, as saying.

“She viewed four properties near Sunset Plaza earlier this month and Paul looked around at least two of them afterwards. They are serious about each other,” the source added. (ANI)
