Company News

RDB Industries Bags Tender Worth Rs 30 Crore

Kolkata-based RDB Industries Limited, one of the leading real estate company has informed that the Ministry of Health & Family Welfare, Government of India, have awarded a tender in favour of t

Zenith Software To Expand Australian Operations

Zenith Software Limited (ZSL), a part of the multi-million dollar Zenith Zenith Software To Expand Australian OperationsGroup, is planning to expand its Australian operations.

Recently, the company has opened its second office in Australia at Melbourne, which will cater to the Victorian region.

Apart from this, the company also plans to set up a near shore delivery centre in Melbourne with a dedicated technical team to cater to clients in this region and to the International clients by providing them with round the clock development / support and delivery capability.

Top Level Changes At Bharti Enterprises

A strategic restructuring of the apex corporate level by Bharti Enterprises Top Level Changes At Bharti Enterprises  was announced on Tuesday, where an office for the Chairman and Group Chief Executive Officer (CEO) to be headed by Sunil Mittal would be created, while Rakesh Mittal and Rajan Mittal will be the Vice-Chairmen and Managing Director of Bharti Enterprises.

The aim behind building this new structure is to effectively build emerging business as well as enhance empowerment to functions and developed businesses.

Shipping Corporation Gets Nod To Acquire Four Bulk Vessels

Public sector Shipping Corporation of India (SCI) has finally received the Central government approval to acquire four bulk vessels.

Aban Offshore Gets Contract

Offshore and oilfield services firm Aban Offshore Ltd has received a contract Aban Offshore Limitedfor deployment of the new built jack-up rig “Deep Driller 8” offshore India for a two firm well and two optional well program.

The firm period of the Contract, expected to commence following the delivery of the rig from the yard in the first quarter of 2009, is likely to last for 150 days with an estimated revenue of USD 30 million during the firm period.

Aban Offshore has posted a net profit of Rs 71.50 crore for the first quarter ended June 30, 2008, a more than two-fold increase as compared to the same period a year ago.      

Adhunik Metaliks Gets Approval For Iron Ore Mining
