Auto Sector

Leading US automakers GM, Ford running out of road

Detroit - US automakers are looking right into an abyss, and experts note that the US economy is facing its next health problem following the collapse of its financial sector.

After a downward slide that has already lasted years, and with losses worth billions of dollars, General Motors (GM) and Ford appear to be racing ever closer to the precipice.

The financial crisis threatens to cut off the funds of the heavily indebted manufacturers. The stock exchange has already discounted the staggering auto giants, as share prices fell even faster than sales figures.

Nano might again encounter trouble over land lease issue

TATA group’s ambitious Nano car project seems to grapple in yet another Nano might again encounter trouble over land lease issuecontroversy on the land acquisition issue. The land in Chharodi village is again proving to be disputable and the concerned farmer family is fighting a legal battle against Anand Agriculture University (AAU) over ownership issue.

The case was filed in 2006 in which the third generation of Devisinh Waghela family claimed over 1,453 acre of the total 2,200 acre of land that the state government had acquired from the university.

Mahindra Renault Gets Another Export Order Of 500 GLsx Pertol Logans For SA

Mahindra Renault Pvt. Ltd. (MRPL), a joint venture between Mahindra Renault Gets Another Export Order Of 500 GLsx Pertol Logans For SA Mahindra & Mahindra and Renault S.A. of France, has received an additional export order of 500 GLSx Petrol Logans for South Africa. 

This is the second order, which takes the total order size to 1000 nos. The latest order comes soon after the successful dispatch of 200 Logans to the country in September.

Credit crunch slams world auto industry; GM, Ford hard hit

General MotorsNew York - The world automobile industry is being hard hit by the current credit crisis, it was reported Friday, with manufacturing giants Ford and General Motors (GM) singled out as facing difficulties financing their operations.

According to the report, which appeared in the New York Times, GM and Ford have been hit by the perfect storm of diminished cash flow due to falling sales and an inability to raise funds in the credit crunch.

France to subsidize the development of "green" cars

Paris - The French government will provide funds to subsidize the development and construction of environmentally friendly automobiles, President Nicolas Sarkozy said on Thursday.

"We will earmark more than 400 million euros (550 million dollars) of state funds over the next four years," Sarkozy said in an address at the Paris Automobile Fair.

The money will be used "exclusively" to fund the research and development of "carbon-free cars, that is vehicles with the least possible emission of carbon dioxide, whether electric cars or hybrids," Sarkozy said.

Scooters top product at Cologne motorcycle show

Cologne, Germany - Amid renewed world interest in thrifty little motor scooters, the world's biggest motorcycle trade show, Intermot, opened Wednesday in the German city of Cologne.

"There is a gigantic boom going on in scooters," said Thomas Alber, a motorcycling specialist at Germany's national motoring club ADAC. In Germany alone, new scooter registrations soared 14 per cent this year.

Buyers in Europe have tended to the more powerful models, with at least 125 cubic centimetres (cc) of cylinder capacity.

A 250-cc scooter uses only half as much fuel as a small car, according to Germany's motorcycle industry federation. Scooters also evade traffic jams better and are easier to park in crowded cities.
