Analyst View

Buy Kingfisher Airlines - Nirmal Bang

Buy Kingfisher Airlines - Nirmal BangNirmal Bang has maintained its ‘Buy’ rating on Kingfisher Airlines Limited to achieve a target of Rs 47.50 within 1-5 days.

Traders can buy the stock on dips with a stop loss of Rs 34.90.

Shares of the company, on Monday (April 20), closed at Rs 38.80 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The share price has seen a 52-week high of Rs 158.50 and a low of Rs 22 on BSE.

Air France-KLM is making discussions with Kingfisher and Jet Airways in order to serve up Indian secondary markets.

Buy Deccan Chronicle, Target Rs 69: Nirmal Bang

Buy Deccan Chronicle, Target Rs 69: Nirmal BangNirmal Bang Research is bullish on Deccan Chronicle Holdings Ltd (DCHL) and maintained ‘Buy’ rating on the stock to achieve a target of Rs 69 within 1-5 days.

Traders can buy the stock on dips with a stop loss of Rs 52.

Shares of the company, on Monday (April 20), closed at Rs 59.80 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). Current EPS & P/E ratio stood at 5.50 and 11.27 respectively. The share price has seen a 52-week high of Rs 160 and a low of Rs 25.50 on BSE.

Stock Mkts To Witness Selling Pressure On Monday, Says Alex Mathew

Stock Mkts While commenting on the market performance of the day, Alex Mathew head, research centre - Geojit Financial Services stated that the stock markets belled the day in green on account of optimistic prompts coming in from the worldwide markets and dealt robustly all the morning session but capitalists cashed in on the gains produced during the morning session that occurred in the noon session earlier than the weekend and marked its closure in green but off the days` low.

Sell ONGC – Nirmal Bang

Oil & Natural Gas Corporation Nirmal Bang Research has suggested investors to 'sell' ONGC stock as there are full chances of a downward trend in this stock in the coming days.

According to report, investors can sell the stock with a strict stop loss of Rs 880 to achieve a target that lies between Rs 790-740.

Today (April 17), the stock opened at Rs 860, as against its last closure at Rs 851.75 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE) on Thursday (Feb 16). Current EPS & P/E ratio stood at 76.03 and 11.47 respectively. The share price has seen a 52-week high of Rs 1124 and a low of Rs 538.10 on BSE.

Buy Ranbaxy Laboratories - Nirmal Bang

Buy Ranbaxy Laboratories - Nirmal BangNirmal Bang has maintained its ‘Buy’ rating on Ranbaxy Laboratories to achieve a target between Rs 225-240 within 1-5 days.

Interested traders can buy the stock on dips with a stop loss of Rs 210.

Shares of the company, on Wednesday (April 15), closed at Rs 199.85 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). The share price has seen a 52-week high of Rs 613.70 and a low of Rs 133.15 on BSE.

Buy HDFC, Target Rs 1910: Nirmal Bang

Buy HDFC, Target Rs 1910: Nirmal BangNirmal Bang Research is bullish on HDFC and maintained ‘Buy’ rating on the stock to achieve a target of Rs 1910 within 1-5 days.

Traders can buy the stock on dips with a stop loss of Rs 1825.

Shares of the company, on Wednesday (April 15), closed at Rs 1771.55 on the Bombay Stock Exchange (BSE). Current EPS & P/E ratio stood at 81.46 and 21.23 respectively. The share price has seen a 52-week high of Rs 2950 and a low of Rs 1116.10 on BSE.
