Brussels expresses "serious concern" at Azerbaijan broadcast ban

European Union FlagBrussels - The European Union's executive on Wednesday expressed "serious concern" at Azerbaijan's decision not to extend the broadcasting licences of foreign agencies such as the BBC.

"The decision by the Azerbaijani National TV and Radio Council not to renew the broadcasting licences of several foreign broadcasters, including the BBC, Radio Liberty and Voice of America is a matter of serious concern," EU Foreign-Affairs Commissioner Benita Ferrero-Waldner said in a statement.

"If implemented, this decision would deprive a great number of listeners of valuable and independent sources of information as of January 1," the statement said.

In early December the EU proposed a new "Eastern Partnership" aimed at boosting ties with its neighbours in the former-Soviet sphere, including Azerbaijan. However, "respect for freedom of expression and of the media are essential elements" of the package, Ferrero-Waldner said.

The EU "stands by these principles and is ready to assist the Azerbaijani authorities to achieve progress in this regard. I urge the Azerbaijani authorities to reconsider their decision, so that the broadcasters concerned can continue their transmissions unimpeded," she said. (dpa)
