BP is with new attempt to stop the oil spill in Gulf of Mexico

BP-CAP-OperationBP has started its new attempt to stop the oil spill by fitting a tighter cap on the underwater damaged well in Gulf of Mexico. An underwater robot has been implemented to take off the older dome to allow the new sealing cap to be placed.

But this operation will definitely take four to seven days which means the oil will continue to gush in to the water till the end of this operation.

BP has also decided to implement another system to stop the leak. The new system may start collecting oil from Sunday. BP has planned to drill two wells to block and intercept the oil leak. This oil leak is caused by a deepwater Horizon rig explosion which killed 11 people in the month of April.

Since then this leak has been the largest environmental disaster in the history of US. The submersible robots of BP are getting prepared to remove the current cap from the damaged well on the ocean floor. The newly designed sealing cap is made very much similar to the smaller version of the damaged blow-out preventer. This new cap has three devices which are designed to stop the flow of oil.