Book-on-demand services allow authors see their names in print

Hanover  - Whether you prefer novels, poetry, academia or non-fiction, it's now easier than ever with book-on-demand services to track down that long sought-after book and finally get a copy.

These services allow any author access to a market by printing only pre-ordered samples of books. But, while it helps bring authors and readers into contact with each other, it does not guarantee a bestseller.

"Thanks to affordable digital printing systems, it can be profitable to print just one copy," said Tim Gerber of c't, a German computer magazine.

As the service means the book can always be printed on demand, it's never out of print. There are no storage costs and capital is not unnecessarily tied up in unsold books. On the other hand, individualized sales tend to cost more than large print runs.

BoD is the self-touted, biggest provider of books-on-demand in Germany. Part of the Libri publishing house, it offers a variety of packages for aspiring authors.

Under the classic option, an author pays 39 euros (54 dollars) to have their book made available online, complete with an ISBN code. Additionally monthly fees of 2 euros are charged to ensure the book's online availability. Authors manage the cover's appearance, the print run and the binding with online services. Special calculators help them figure estimate the printing costs.

There's also a Fun option, which does not include an entrance fee, but does not offer an option for book sales. This is for people who want a private edition such as a photo album or a special publication for a wedding or gathering.

There's also the Comfort option, designed for people with more professional aspirations. At a cost of 399 euros per publication, the package includes a professional adviser for the author. BoD employees can also help with layout, editing and advertising, though these services can amount to several thousands of euros for the author.

BoD's employees, however, are not paid to assess the book's merits.

"We don't filter books based on the quality of the content," says spokeswoman Friederike Kuenzel. The company would only reject a book, if its contents clearly violated intellectual property laws.

Gerber, who has researched BoD's operations closely, says no special computer skills are required to upload manuscripts. An author simply needs to upload the book as a PDF file, albeit adhering to strict format guidelines with the help of special, free software provided by BoD. Nonetheless, it's also advisable to use a DTP program to upload similar to the freeware Scribus.

Luli, Shaker Media, Printyourbook and Ruckzuckbuch are other firms that let authors to self-publish. Even Lehmanns book dealer has an online print-on-demand service. Some are more reliable than others and the delivery time for books can vary from a few days to several weeks.

Authors also have to safeguard their copyrights and online guides can offer tips.

Manfred Plinke, who has written how-to books for self-publishers, advises budding authors to compare different print-on-demand services before making a decision.

"Costs and the kind of service can vary greatly," he says.

Instead of just looking at internet services, he also recommends checking out digital printing houses, which can be found in most big cities as many offer services such as the provision of ISBN numbers.

Nonetheless, even the most driven author cannot overlook an effective marketing strategy. P Plinke noted: "A lot of authors neglect the fact that a lot depends on marketing."

Success depends upon building media awareness or paying someone to run a good public relations campaign.

"There are a few success stories from the internet that publishers like to tout."

But one should not expect to get rich quick as a self-publishing author.

It can have drawbacks as self-publishing does not guarantee recognition among professional writers, The Association of German authors (VdS) has so far refused to admit self-publishers to its ranks. However, authors who have shown potential, recently gained temporary status and can now attend meetings, said the VdS Berlin chapter.

Internet: www. lulu. com, www. shaker-media. eu, www. printyourbook. com (dpa)

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