Blue Origin successfully lands world’s first ever reusable rocket at a site in West Texas
Blue Origin has created, launched, and landed the first ever reusable rocket successfully. It has been landed at a location in West Texas. The rocket ship had gone up a whooping 100.5 kilometers into outer space and has landed proudly upright on its arrival on Earth’s ground.
Several attempts of creating a reusable rocket have been made by the company, but until now it has never been able to succeed in terms of a perfect land.
Founder of Blue Origin Bezos said, “Blue Origin’s reusable New Shepard space vehicle flew a flawless mission – soaring to 329,839 feet and then returning through 119-mph high-altitude crosswinds to make a gentle, controlled landing just four and a half feet from the center of the pad”.
New Shepherd named space rocket reached a height of 329,839 feet over the planet. The area is the boundary of what is already considered as ‘space’ by scientists. The space vehicle had a rocket and a capsule sufficient for carrying a crew. As soon as the rocket reached space, it was separated from the capsule. The capsule didn’t have any passengers on board as it was only a test flight.
In an announcement, the US private space company mentioned that its New Shepherd reusable rocket has successfully reached 100.5 kilometers into space boundary and on Tuesday, it had a successful landing to its launch site. As planned previously, the separated capsule also parachuted back to the planet.