Bernanke to meet colleagues to discuss stimulus amid opposition

Bernanke to meet colleagues to discuss stimulus amid opposition The Federal Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke is set to meet his federal colleagues to discuss the continuing stimulus plans of the US administration that helped the country stay afloat during the previous four years of financial crisis.

Dr. Bernanke and his colleagues had backed the stimulus package for the US economy to help is face the financial crisis in November 2008. The quantitative easing has helped the economy carry forward but the risks and opposition has increased and the officials are likely to debate if to continue with the plans for begin a cut back as the economy shows moderate signs of recovery.

Investors have expressed concerns over the cut back to the quantitative easing program. Some believe that the Fed's bond-buying program might be rolled back by the officials. Influential officials from within and outside the Federal Reserve are now increasing opposing the stimulus and the Federal Reserve might face pressure to cut back on the expenses to stabilise the country's balance sheet with a direct impact on the Federal Reserve's bond-buying plans.

The Federal Reserve will soon release an updated statement on the federal fund rates as well as its monetary stimulus measures. The Federal Reserve will also latest economic forecasts for the economy, which is keenly watched by the investors. Chairman Ben Bernanke will also hold a press conference to discuss the issues after the announcements.